- Gut health
- Thyroid disorders
- General health
- Women's health
- GERD / Acid reflux
- Endometriosis
- Fertility
- Hormonal health
- Hypothyroidism
- Hyperthyroidism
- Pre or postnatal nutrition
- Heart health
- Sports & performance nutrition
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
Functional medicine💊
Supplement management
- Medicare
- Aetna
- Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Cigna
- United Healthcare
Minimum patient age
Patient reviews
“All around great. Great connection personally great goals great information“
August 20th, 2024“Always great suggestions, examples and support for what works best for my lifestyle and wants/needs.“
August 25th, 2024“Amazing listener, picks up on something I said and will explore it with me. Finds meaningful goals with me“
June 26th, 2024
About Vanessa
Vanessa is a Registered Dietitian, yoga teacher, podcaster and business owner. Vanessa began her career in dietetics in public health working with women and children. In 2020, Vanessa opened a virtual private practice working with women to heal hormone dysfunction using nutrition and lifestyle changes, in addition she began as co host of the podcast "Wellness Myths" where her and another RD dive into research to dispel myths about nutrition and health. Currently, Vanessa sees patients 1:1 as a Nourish RD.
Approach to care
Vanessa uses a root cause, individualized approach to make lasting and sustainable changes. No diets or band aid fixes here! Vanessa works with you to get you off the roller coaster of symptom management and onto a path of true healing.
Your first session with Vanessa
In our first session you can expect a deep dive into your history so I can get to know everything about you and your goals. I want to meet you exactly where you are right now! Together, we will set 1 or 2 small, sustainable goals to begin working toward feeling your absolute best!
📍 Saint Clair, Michigan
Michigan State
hiking, cycling, skiing, running, playing tennis, spending time in nature